Panel Guidelines

Panel sessions are intended to engage the engineering and computing education community in multiple perspectives on a given issue on the frontiers of education. These are ~80 minutes in length; the number of panel sessions offered is limited. These sessions are intended to have a broader impact on engineering and computing education by bringing together multiple perspectives on a given topic. The sessions should be of value to FIE Conference attendees, enhance the experience and knowledge of the participants, and help advance the frontiers of engineering and computing education.


Approval Procedure

To be approved to offer a panel session, organizers/authors will need to 1) submit a panel session proposal abstract (800-1000 words) and 2) if the abstract is approved, submit a paper (4-6 pages) that provides sufficient detail to give attendees a sense of the significance of the topic being covered and motivate them to attend.

The initially submitted proposal for a panel session will be reviewed to determine if it is an appropriate fit for the FIE conference. If the proposal passes the first review, the facilitators/authors will be invited to submit a full paper draft that conforms to the required IEEE format for the conference. This full paper will undergo a more thorough, second round of peer review. Following the second round of peer-review, organizers/authors will be notified of acceptance/rejection and any final requested edits prior to final paper submission. Please see the conference website for a list of relevant deadlines.


Expected Content

Both the panel session proposals abstracts (800-1000 words) and the full paper (4-6 pages) must include each of the following elements. An approximate word count for each section of a proposal abstract is provided and can be scaled for the full paper, if accepted.

  • a description of topics/subjects/content of the session and its significance in the context of the relevant literature. (approximately 200-400 words).
  • the goal(s) and anticipated outcomes of the panel session and the rationale for why these goals and outcomes are better served by a panel session (approximately 100-200 words).
  • a description of the anticipated audience (community), and why they would be interested in the session (approximately 100-200 words).
  • the names and institutions for each proposed panel member (typically 3-5) and panel organizer/moderator (Note: members of the panel are the people who provide different perspectives on the issue being addressed by the panel. They are critical to the quality of the panel session and therefore some detail on panelists’ expertise is needed in order to evaluate proposal quality). (approximately 100-200 words).
  • If applicable: a brief description of any proposed peer-reviewed full papers from panel members to accompany the Panel session at the FIE conference (Note: these abstracts and papers will be submitted separately, but should indicate that they are associated with “Panel Name”). (approximately 50 words).


Additional information

  • All organizers and presenters in panels and special sessions are expected to register for and participate in the full conference.
  • Additionally, because panel sessions are partly evaluated based on the expertise of the organizers and panelists, special session submissions should be prepared for single-blind review (i.e., the authors and affiliations should be identified).
  • Papers should adhere to the required IEEE format for the conference. Templates are available on the conference website.


(for practical questions about your registration)

(for questions about abstract submission)

Important dates


February 22, 2021
Extended Abstract Submission Deadline

March 8, 2021
All Acceptance Communications

May 17, 2021
Preliminary Paper, Special Session and Panel Summary Papers, and Workshop Outlines, Submission Deadline​

June 7, 2021
Review deadline

June 14, 2021
Notification of Paper Revision Requirements and Final SSPCW Acceptance Communication

June 28, 2021
Revised Paper Submission (major revisions)

July 12, 2021
Review Revisions Completed

July 19, 2021
Peer Review Final Acceptance Communication

July 26, 2021
Final Camera-Ready Paper Submission & Copyright Deadline

September 20, 2021
Early Conference Registration Deadline

October 13-16, 2021